Rob and Kristen Leaving Sam's Concert Last Night- July 6

These are papz pics, if you do not like them skip the post. I will just post a few, yep its hard for me, too.

These are taken after Sam Bradley's concert in Hotel Cafe in LA. July 6, 2010.

TomStu is also in town. Wow! That is two date nights in a row. Go RobSten! I was afraid this would happen, there were tweets last night of their location. Not too ninja this time. But its good to see them together.

Rob gets in the car first so that he is in the middle and that Kristen will be shielded  from the cameras. This has been their usual strategy. Rob getting in first does not mean he is no gentleman, it is quite the opposite.

Current mood: Torn. And I do not need your snarky comments. Thank you.

More at RPLIfe Please spare them from the snark too. Thanks guys!

source pattinsonlife